Sunday of All Saints

First Sunday After Pentecost: Sunday of All Saints

21 May / 3 June

Sunday of All Saints

All Saints

Divine Liturgy: Sunday 03/06/18  at 10 am.


Tropar Of All Saints, Tone 4: Adorned in the blood of Thy martyrs throughout all the world, as in purple and fine linen. Thy Church, through them, doth cry unto Thee, O Christ God: Send down Thy compassions upon Thy people; grant peace to Thy flock and to our souls great mercy.


Kondak Of All  Saints, Tone 8: To Thee, the Planner of creation, the world doth offer the God- bearing martyrs as the first fruits of nature. By their intercessions preserve Thy Church, Thy commonwealth, in profound peace, through the Theotokos, O Greatly merciful One.


God is glorified in the Saints, while the Saints have been given glory by God.

St. Silouan. Wisdom from Mount Athos. B#73, p. 61.

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