Celebration of Victory Day 9th May

Pascha 2010

Paskha at The Holy Trinity Church, Melbourne (3-4 April 2010)

Lazarus Saturday 2010

Lazarus Saturday at the Serbian Monastery (27 March 2010)

“Yolka” on 10th of January 2010

Childrens’ Christmas Party “Yolka” on 10th of January 2010

See more photos from “Yolka” Christmas Party (courtesy of Liliya Novikova)


Serbian Monastery 2009

28 November 2009

Arkhimandrit Femistokol

Visit of Orthodox missionary from Africa Archimandrite Femisktol. July 19, 2009

Fr. Igor – Аrchpriest

23 May 2009, Newcastle


Holy Pascha The Resurrection of Our Lord (19/04/2009)

Christmas in Hong Kong (7/01/2009)

Christmas in Hong Kong (7/01/2009)