‘Holy Prophet John the Baptist and Forerunner’ Ballarat Orthodox Community
The ‘Ballarat Orthodox Group’ has been meeting together under the spiritual guidance of the Rev. Fr. Igor Filianovsky (Moscow Patriarchate) since October 2007.
The Group consists of both Orthodox Christians and Inquirers into the faith from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Services are predominately celebrated in English, although some Russian is included.
On Saturday June 23rd, 2012, after Divine Liturgy and a Moleben to the Theotokos, Fr Igor drew out the name of the ‘Holy Prophet John the Baptist and Forerunner‘ from a group of submitted names for the Ballarat Community’s patron saint. As a result, the name of the Ballarat Orthodox Group was changed to “‘Holy Prophet John the Baptist and Forerunner’ Ballarat Orthodox Community”
The feast day of the community will be the “Nativity of Holy John the Baptist and Forerunner” (June 24th/ July 7th)
The Divine Liturgy is usually celebrated on the 4th Saturday of each month at: St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, 116 Humffray St North, BALLARAT (CLICK FOR MAP).
In addition to the monthly services with Fr. Igor, various reader prayer services (when a priest is unavailable) are conducted by lay-members of the Ballarat Orthodox Community. For details of the monthly schedule and a monthly newsletter see the Ballarat OrthodoxCommunity website
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/ballaratorthodox/home
Email: ballaratorthodoxgroup@gmail.com
PO Box 539W,
Ballarat West VIC 3350
Spiro Tsipouras
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Hello Dear Brother/Sister in Christ
Christ Is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed!
It’s Spiro here from Ballarat. Can you please update the contact details on the Ballarat Page
email: spirot67@gmail.com
address: PO Box 539W, Ballarat West VIC 3350
Spiro Tsipouras